At-Home Circuit Training Tips


You have narrowed down that you need to workout at home. You have even narrowed down the types of workouts you need to handle. What you landed in is at-home circuit training. The problem is, you may not know how to start and how to make the plan work for you. Here are a few at-home circuit training tips that you should keep in mind. These can help you get started, stay on track, and make this type of workout work for you.

Create a No Equipment Circuit

The first tip would be to start your at-home circuit training with no equipment. This may sound odd, but using your own body weight and your own body can help you greatly. It will allow you to get used to the circuits, memorize what works best for you, and then add the equipment you need. You will also avoid using equipment that you don't need or making purchases for workout equipment that you don't need. 

Start off with Lower Intensity

Start off with a lower intensity workout plan. For example, instead of starting out with high weights and dozens of reps, work yourself up to it. Start off with doing a few rounds and under twenty reps each. This will let you build up on it and get your body used to what you are doing. It will also let you gauge what time frame works best for you. For example, you may find that working out at a certain level and circuit means you can fit in a workout in under 30 minute while just a few more reps may jump your workout to almost an hour. You also are giving yourself room to improve instead of maxing out when you start. 

Keep to Shorter Workouts

Try to keep your workouts shorter at first. This goes hand in hand with lower intensity to start off with. Just keep your workouts to around 30 minutes. This allows you to get your circuit in and see what needs improvement. It also will give you an idea of what you can do in a short amount of time if you need to change it up later and go for longer or shorter workouts due to work changes or lifestyle changes. 

By keeping these tips in mind and working each one into your at-home circuit training, you can come up with the best possible workout solution for your needs. You will also find it easier to increase the intensity of your workouts and adjust them as needed. 

Start a Home Gym

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Looking at home gym equipment can put you into sticker price shock. It can also be confusing when you try to figure out which equipment is best, what bells and whistles you need, and how you can maximize your space to get the equipment that is right for you. Before you go with the store clerk suggestion, consider these equipment options that are affordable and can get your home gym off to the right start.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are an ideal option to start a home gym. You can get them in packs that contain several levels of resistance. These bands can act as an alternative to kettlebells or weights. They can also be used with a variety of workouts including at home cardio workouts where your arms are free for resistance training. These workouts are options like walking in home. Resistance bands take up very little room and are versatile making them a must have for at home gyms with limited space and budgets. 


Kettlebells can be an ideal alternative to other, much larger, gym equipment. They are also ideal for starting an at home gym. You can use kettlebells to do upper body, lower body, and core workouts. They can help you with strength training, weight training, and dropping pounds. You can also use various techniques to help build your cardio as well. Overall, a few kettlebells in varying sizes can take up a small amount of room and give you exactly what you need for an at home workout. 

Weight Bench

A weight bench may not seem like a must have but it can serve multiple uses for your home gym. One of the ways you can use a weight bench is for arm curls and arm workouts. You can lay on your back and give your arms free movement to work with weights or kettlebells. You can also use the weight benches for stretches, dips, and for other similar workouts. You also can find weight benches at thrift stores or used, saving you money and giving you a piece of equipment that can be easily upgraded later. 

You may be wondering about all-in-one equipment options. The truth is, some of these options are ideal for small spaces, but may not give you the type of workout you want. By going with different pieces of simple equipment, you can form a workout routine that works for you and your lifestyle. You also leave yourself room to change your routine and add different workouts to your routine. 

The 4 Best HIIT Fat Burning Moves

Now that science has proven that high intensity interval training is a really great way to
get in shape and get really fast results, there are probably a lot of people that are
curious about the types of exercise that they can do to kickstart their journey to their
fitness goals. There are a number of great exercises that you can do, but this article is
going to narrow down the massive amount of choices to just about 5 of the best HIIT fat
burning moves. 


For this workout, you begin in a standing position. Put your hands on the ground, and
hop backwards so that your body becomes extended in the way you would be when
beginning to do pushups. Without hesitation, you should immediately jump back to
where your hands are so you can easily and quickly stand, then jump with raised arms. 
Repeats the entire cycle for 30 seconds, or repeat 30 times. 

Tricep Dips

In the beginning, this exercise might take some effort because it requires you to be in
the crab-walk position. In order for it to be done properly, your body has to be lined up
as follows. Be sure that you are facing upward with your hands and feet firmly planted
downward. Your hands should be lined up below your shoulders and your feet should
be flat on the ground with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. You back should be
straight. Once in position, lower your body as far as you can to the ground while
maintaining a straight back. Repeat 10 times. 


Be sure to start this exercise on the ground in a traditional push up position. Your hands
should be on the ground and lined up with your shoulders. Keep your elbows at your
sides and lower yourself. Get as close to the ground as you can without touching it or
resting directly on to it. Raise yourself back to the beginning position and repeat 30

Jump Squats

Jump squats are a great exercise that engages the core. Try these for a fitness blast. 
From a standing position, be sure that your feet are lined up with your shoulders. Bend
at the knees. Try to keep your knees and feet aligned. Fall back into a quarter squat. 
Jump and try to land back in your previous position. Repeat for 40 times. 

HIIT Moves for Your Core

High intensity interval training has quickly become one of the most popular and sought-
after forms of exercise today. While traditional workout routines are still popular, many
people have made it their goal to become extremely familiar with this new and
innovative form of training. In order to reap the benefits of HIIT, most people have
chosen to focus on their core strength, as this is a key component to improving
physique, and gaining practical strength. This information goes over some of the key
HIIT moves for your core. 
Warming Up

As always, before any workout itís very important to stretch and start with a period of
warm up exercises to get your muscles ready for the intense workout thatís about to
happen. First, you want to start with 3 - 4, one minute warm ups such as Toe Touch
Jacks, Lateral Jumps, Slow Butt Kickers (with arm swings, and Regular Butt Kickers. 
After you have gone through these 4 warm ups, youíll be primed and ready for the next
phase of hardcore workout. Be sure to rest for appropriate times, just not too long so
you donít lose momentum. 

Core Workout

The key to getting a successful HIIT workout, is that you be sure to blast your body with
as much of the workout as possible until your time doing the move is finished. A timer
can be an essential component of your workout because it can help you to keep track of
the progress youíre making. The follow section will be a list of workouts that are to be
done 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off. There should be no actually rest periods in between the different workouts.   

Russian Twists
Bicycle Leg Drops
Mini Scissor Kicks
Plank Steps
Leg Drop Pulls
Side Plank Drop
Circle Crunches
Swimmer Pulses
Downward Dog Tucks
Flutter Kicks
Reclined Oblique Twists
5 Toe Touch Crunches + Stretch

HIIT Cardio

Once you have completed the hardest part of your workout, itís time to take a break for
a bit and get ready to come back to execute the cardio potion of your HIIT workout. 
These will generally be less intense than the initial core workout, so it will help as a cool
down. These exercises below will be performed 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, and
should be repeated 4 times consecutively. 

Push Ups
Lunge, Tap, Kick
3, 2, 1, Squats
Squat Pops
Burpee Thigh Slaps
Broad Jumps + 2 Jacks
Lateral Jumps

Benefits of HIIT Workouts

What kind of workout is your favorite? In the last decade or so, major innovations that
are the result of highly monitored study have created a new and exciting type of workout
called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. These workouts have become famous for
their extreme effectiveness and pleasing gains that nearly everyone who has ever
stepped inside a gym has been working very hard to find. In order to shed light on some
of the aspects of HIIT, this article will be discussing a few benefits of HIIT workouts. 

You Won't Need Equipment

One of the best things about HIIT workouts, is that you really wonít need any sort of
equipment to perform most of the exercises that bring you closer to your goals. This is
because a large portion of the great routines only require you to use your own body
weight. This also helps to make it a lot harder to injure yourself because you aren't
wrestling with any free weights that can fall or be dropped on various parts of your body, 
so you can avoid trying to drag any of that extra workout baggage with you.

Metabolic Efficiency 

Are you looking for a way to keep the gains coming? Studies have proven beyond any
doubt that high intensity interval training has a remarkable effect on the fast twitch
muscles that tend to work hard and burn up a higher amount of fat than other muscle
type. This results in an increased metabolic response that can help you to continue
burning fat even when you're at rest. That means you will lose weight faster, and more
efficiently than would normally be possible with traditional workout plans. 

Fast and Practical Anywhere

Time is a precious thing for every working adult. The greatest advantage to the HIIT
workouts are the small amounts of time that they require. Every person who has ever
struggled to become more efficient with their time knows how difficult it can be to keep
to a regimented schedule for your exercise program. HIIT can be performed in time
periods as little as 4 minutes, and can blast your muscles into the most efficient and
effective shape that they have ever reached. This also means that you can take these
amazing exercises anywhere you want to go, whether it's a secluded mountain top or a
peaceful meadow. 

Try out HIIT and see how you feel. Assess yourself and you experience the benifits for yourself.