At-Home Workouts That Include Bodyweight Moves

Just because you want to add body-weight exercises to your fitness routine, doesn't
mean you can't do your normal workout as well. There are actually many popular at-
home workouts that incorporate body-weight moves. Here are some of the top ones to


The first type of workout that often incorporates body-weight moves is yoga. There are
different forms of yoga, so you probably want to go for the moderate or advanced
varieties to really do a lot of body-weight moves. For example, the downward dog is
done in yoga, which can be considered body-weight. It is similar to a plank, except
instead of being flat, your buttocks is up in the air. Many times, downward dogs go down
to a full plank, along with many other body-weight movements.


Pilates is another good workout that doesn’t use weights or equipment, but can be done
at home and incorporate a lot of floor moves. This is similar to yoga, but really
incorporates more of the core movements. You will learn plenty of difficult body-weight
moves to strengthen your core, improve your flexibility, and work on those abdominal
muscles. Mixing it in with other body-weight moves is a great way to add more to your
workout routine.

High-Intensity Interval Training

Also known as HIIT, High-Intensity Interval Training is an excellent way to get started
with body-weight exercises. This is really going to increase your cardio, endurance, and
strength all at the same time. This will use more jumping and high intensity moves of
body-weight, like your jumping jacks, jumps, and burpees, along with many other moves. 
Another great thing about HIIT is that it is done in less time, so even the busiest person
can get a good workout.

Branded Workouts

There are also some well-known brand workouts you might have heard of that use a lot
of body-weight workouts. For example, if you are familiar with the Beachbody programs, 
you may have heard of PIYO. This is definitely one of the top workouts that uses only
body-weight movements, working out your entire body. It was created by Chalene
Johnson, and will do everything from multiple plank variations, to intense yoga and
Pilates-inspired strengthening moves. CrossFit is another type of workout that
incorporates body-weight along with the weight training, but this is usually done in a gym
and not suitable for home workouts.

At the end of the day, adding in any sort of body-weight moves is going to benefit you, 
whether you are working out at home or in the gym.