Living With The COVID-19 Pandemic: 2020

What a new problem in health! Covid-19. The entire world has literally stopped in the year 2020 due to this unexpected health scare. I don’t know if anyone saw it coming, except for the world governments. The issues with the pandemic have never ended. Here in the month of December 2020, nearly empty sporting events and curfews bring sadness to the optimism that was once felt. How do we cope with such an uncertain future?

One change and adjustment made in the midst of the pandemic is the use of technology. Some of us work from home while others continue their education online. Working onsite does continue in some industries. The requirements are frustrating yet structured with everyone’s health in mind.

Looking forward into the future, we all may be comfortable taking care of our goals using the online platform. These goals will include your personal fitness goals. More fitness professionals are offering online programming and the option for online personal training in several formats. Here at Push and Pull Performance, there are several options for you to continue your fitness pursuits even during Covid -19. The options include a fitness challenge, an online fit club, or online fitness coaching. Don’t be afraid to continue your fitness goals despite the closed gyms or restricted fitness facilities in town. Remember fitness is a part of health. Your health can be improved or maintained with proper exercise and nutrition.