sf fitness trainer talk

Herbs And Spices To Help Reduce Pain

People who encounter conditions that cause chronic pain have a tendency to go for powerful prescription drugs first. While you should still seek medical help, this isn't always the only solution. Pain medication can be expensive and habit forming, so not all pain sufferers will consider this as a route to freedom from their condition. In addition to this, there are a growing number of cases and studies that suggest allergic or pseudo-allergic reactions can occur through use. When facing these kinds of situations, what can patients do to help themselves? A number of pain sufferers are turning to a more natural approach by using the methods of the past to treat the ailments of the present. 


Cloves contain an agent called eugenol, which has been found to reduce pain during topical application. Recent studies concluded that clove gel was just as effective as a chemical gel at reducing pain in the gums of test subjects. The FDA has asserted that more testing is needed, but anyone who has chewed on cloves is aware of its numbing effect.


This tasty root is famous for being an excellent ingredient in cookies and Asian dishes, but itís also been found to have useful anti-inflammatory properties. One study of 100 chronic migraine sufferers found that ginger was similarly effective to the drug sumatriptan. The upside of ginger is that it does not have the side effects of pharmaceutical pain medication.


Fennel has been used for thousands of years to help with digestion issues, and stop painful bloating, but one of the other amazing things about fennel, is its ability to help soothe muscle pain. This is caused by its tendency to relax muscles, and has been associated with relief from menstrual pain in women. Fennel is also high in some of the most important dietary minerals iron, manganese, magnesium, and calcium.


In traditional Chinese medicine, the use of nutmeg is well known for being able to fight inflammation of the joints. It can be ingested in the form of teas and placed in food for desired effect. It is also known to reduce abdominal aches and pains.

Jamaican Allspice

This interesting spice with a deceptive name comes from the Jamaican bayberry tree. It is in the top 10 most anti-inflammatory spices. It can be used both internally and topically for pains.

Zone Diet - Criticism

One diet may not work or suit on everyone. The Zone Diet Plan is a moderate plan to be followed. 

The Zone Diet does not only calculate fat and protein match but relates calorie burn as well. It considers the significance of other ingredients as well to maintain a balanced diet. The Zone Diet will highlight the use and side effects of fats proteins, and unlike others, of carbohydrates as well. Carbohydrates affect the hormonal activities and the level of insulin in a human body. A disturbance in these internal systems leads to heart diseases and cancers. This is what the Zone Diet takes concern of. 

A Zone Diet will suit every being as it keeps a balance between fats, proteins, carbohydrates and all other healthy ingredients. This balancing gives a healthy development of hormonal activities along with a loss in weight. 

Despite the fact that The Zone Diet stresses on the consequence of carbohydrates for effective hormonal activities involving the hormones like Eicosanoids that relates to different metabolic courses but its shortage is also related to chubbiness and many other diseases. Nevertheless, there is no scientific confirmation for the remarks suggested by the Zone Diet plan. 

Herbs That Help With Digestion

When you have difficulty digesting food, a multitude of problems can occur. A pain in the stomach or intestines is the least dangerous part of digestion issues, but it could be a signal from your body that something needs to be addressed. A deficiency of nutrients that results from poor digestion can leave your immune system vulnerable to attack from a variety of microorganisms, and a lost ability to process foods can leave you fatigued, and expose you to a risk of vitamin deficiency condition. However, there are a number of ways to improve digestion, and help you to avoid slipping into a cycle of sickness. The following article will discuss a few of the herbs that can help you to treat, and improve digestion.


This surprising little plant is widely considered a garden nuisance by many people, but science has revealed that it is rich in vitamins and minerals such as A, B, C, potassium and zinc. In ancient times, it was used for a variety of digestive ailments. A couple of the other many amazing side effects of its use, are that it reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in organs like the liver. Dandelion root can help to kill leukemia cells, while leaving normal cells intact. Ingesting dandelions can be as simple as adding them to your salad. Just be sure to find a dressing that compliments the slightly bitter leaves.


The use of this parsley relative dates back to at approximately 5000 years ago as a popular spice in Egypt and the Mediterranean. Cumin has historically been used as a respiratory anti-inflammatory, and as a powerful aid to digestion. It was also used as a treatment for anemia, which was very likely to have been a symptom brought on by a malfunctioning digestive system.
Today it can be found in powdered form, and is a common spice that is used among many cultures.


Over the last 400 years, fennel became so popular with people, that some were moved to write poetry! As it turns out, this marvelous plant that give Italian sausage its flavor is extremely rich in the dietary minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and exceeds the daily value for each in just 100 grams. Fennel, is classed as a carminative herb that aids in digestion, by increasing digestive efficiency. Another helpful side effect of this herb is that it reduces gas and bloating. 



Lose Weight The Natural Way While You Sleep

You probably didn't know it, but one of the best times to lose weight is while you sleep. That's because the human body is designed by nature to repair itself during the hours we are sleeping. 

Our bodies use sleep to repair and strengthen our muscles, joints and other parts that get tired and damaged through use and exertion during waking hours.

This restorative process uses energy to rebuild lean muscle mass and to help rebuild other kinds of body tissue. That is worth repeating -- this rebuilding process uses energy -- and if the rebuilding process is running smoothly and efficiently, that energy comes from places in our body where energy is stored -- from fat.

In other words, the body rebuilds tissue, organs, bone, and lean muscle by burning fat. 

Several things about this process are worth noting. They have an important bearing on how efficiently it works.

**Collagen is very important to the body repair process

Collagen is the most common protein found in our bodies. It is the main component of our skin, nails, bones, cartilage, and connective tissue and is found in all of the body organs. Cartilage is the cushion and shock absorber between joints, and the reason we stay flexible and mobile. Healthy cartilage is constantly being regenerated by the body naturally and this process contributes to keeping us youthful and flexible. 

As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce collagen at sufficient levels needed to support the deep restorative sleep processes that our bodies are designed to perform. This can be a major contributor that leads to a premature aged appearance and can definitely affect our flexibility and mobility. It stands to reason that a collagen supplement combined with other natural ingredients can have a dramatic effect in better supporting the deep restorative sleep process. This in turn can allow the body to experience more energy, build more lean muscle, and burn more fat.

**Amino acids enhance the regeneration process

The rebuilding process is also influenced by the efficiency of the amino acids normally used for this purpose. As part of the rebuilding process, amino acids help maintain lean muscle mass and allow the body to more readily consume fat for energy. This contributes to weight loss.

Again, as we age, our body's production of efficient amino acids is reduced. A supplement such as L-Carnitine is a special amino acid that enhances the body's normal function and helps your body convert excess fat into readily available fuel. During deep sleep, these special amino acids work like a natural "turbo charger" to help your body repair, preserve and build lean muscle while burning stored fat to supply the needed energy.

**Not eating before sleeping is important

Since the body uses deep sleep for the restoration process, it is important when using a collagen supplement not to eat three hours before going asleep. This is because we don't want nutrient competition between undigested food and the collagen supplement special nutrient formula itself. If the body has to concern itself with digestion it will not absorb the collagen formula properly. Therefore your body will not be performing its natural restorative process while you sleep, but rather will be concerned with undigested foods and will actually be storing fat from the continuing digestive process rather than burning fat as the energy for the deep sleep restorative process.

This tends to put us into a "diet circle of frustration". The less time your body spends in deep restful sleep (without competing digestion), the less time it has to restore its natural health, and the less fat that is burned in support of this natural rebuilding process. Now we understand the key connection between deep restorative sleep and weight loss many times goes hand in hand with our overall health.

Reducing or eliminating the intake of food three hours before bedtime allows the body to use its natural fat reserves for metabolic fuel during the deep restorative sleep cycle. 

**Collagen weight loss program build on this process

A natural collagen product such as Lose and Snooze enables this natural process to once again help people lose weight. Lose and Snooze consists of a blend of Collagen, L-Carnitine and Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera). The Collagen contributes to a more youthful appearance, greater flexibility, and all round mobility and strength. 

In addition to all of this, most importantly, Collagen allows the deep sleep necessary to enable your body's natural metabolic functions to occur, like when we were children. L-Carnitine promotes the burning of fat in support of the natural rebuilding, restorative process that occurs during deep sleep. The Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) contains numerous nutrients and amino acids that help create a healthy environment in support of your body's own ability to create its own collagen, in addition to the remarkable Lose and Snooze formula itself. 

Thousands of satisfied users of the collagen weight loss program have reported that using the liquid formula in combination with an empty stomach before bedtime, has been beneficial to their health and has helped them naturally lose weight. 

And because the collagen weight loss program only helps lose excess fat (while rebuilding muscle), it can be used by anybody -- not just people wanting to lose weight. It has also been beneficial to folks who want to enjoy better sleep, build lean muscle, improve their appearance and to reshape their body while maintaining their proper healthy weight.


Foods That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious and widespread problem for people around the world. It is often recommended that among lifestyle changes, diet can play a hefty role in attaining a healthier, higher quality of life. An advantage of using diet to modify blood pressure, is that foods typically do not have the side effects such as those common with the use of medication. For example, the DASH diet utilizes calcium, magnesium and potassium rich foods to combat high blood pressure. The following article will discuss a few of the foods you can add to your diet that may lower your blood pressure. 


Oatmeal has been a staple food for thousands of years. As a main ingredient in classic foods including granola and porridge, it is filling, low in sodium, and extremely high in fiber. This complex carbohydrate encourages a slower digestive process, which is better for the body. Many studies have shown that the beta-glucans found in oat kernels are known to lower cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Today people in several cultures use it as a breakfast food. 


Bananas are well known for their high potassium content. It can be used in a variety of ways to suit your needs and tastes. You can cut it up, blend it into a smoothie, or simply peel it and eat it. Potassium is absorbed by the body much more efficiently through ingestion of foods than through supplements, so try adding banana to healthy desserts and snacks. 

Fish Oil

As always, health through food is about balance. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which are seriously important for heart and arterial health. Western diets typically contain heavy doses of omega-6 fatty acids which destabilize the delicate balance between the two types. These are found in fish, or you can simply take a supplement. 

Green Tea

Green tea has become famous for it's amazing health benefits around the world. It contains a wide array of antioxidants and polyphenols. The polyphenols in green tea have been found to increase blood flow and improve blood pressure. Studies have proven that drinking just a few cups a day can widen arteries by almost 40 percent, and tea drinkers have been found to have a lower risk of heart disease, so you might want to try a cup of green tea today!