8 Ways to Drink More Water

Everyone knows that water is an important part of taking good care of yourself, due to
the dangers of dehydration, and the many benefits it provides you. However, it is all too
common to not drink enough water during the day, whether because you don’t enjoy it, 
you don’t think you have the time, or you simply forget.

When you get enough water during the day, it can help with:

  • Improving your skin, hair, and nails

  • Relieving headaches

  • Reducing muscle cramps

  • Helping to flush out your body

  • Improving weight loss efforts

  • Giving you more energy

This report is going to go over some of the different ways you can increase your water
intake daily, as well as how to remind yourself it is time to drink more.

1. Drink Water Before Every Meal

The first tip for drinking more water on a regular basis is simple ; just have a full glass
of water before each meal and snack you consume, including before your morning cup
of coffee. This is one of those simple reminders that allows you to drink more water, 
without really having to think too much about it. Train your mind to know that if you are
going to put anything into your body, whether it is your breakfast or a late-night treat, 
you have to drink 8 ounces of water first.

This provides multiple benefits. First, it of course reminds you to drink another glass of
water. It is also going to help your food digest a little better. Plus, it prevents you from
overeating since the water helps to fill you up a little. It is not uncommon to think you are
hungry, when in fact you are thirsty. If you are no longer hungry after the full glass of
water, wait a bit before eating.

You should also try to drink a glass of water before or after every other beverage you
consume. If you want a can of soda with lunch, force yourself to drink the same amount
of water as well.

2. Make Your Own Infused or Flavored Water

A common problem people have with drinking water isn’t that they don’t remember to
drink it, but they’re just not interested in it. This is when you have some other options. 
You don’t necessarily have to drink just plain filtered or tap water all day, every day. 
There are many ways to add flavor to your water and make it more interesting, without
piling on the sugar and calories.

The Simple Method

If you are short on time and just want a super quick way to add flavor to your water, go
with the lemon water. All you need to do is add a few lemon wedges into your water, 
squeezing in the juice first, then putting the wedges in it. Lemons have a lot of tart juice, 
so this will flavor your water quickly and easily. You can also try a mixture of lemon and
lime, or use other juicy fruits like grapefruit.

Fruit or Vegetable Infused Water

When you are willing to spend more time on your water, you can use other fruits, 
vegetables, and even herbs to flavor this water. This is called infused water, since it is a
longer infusing process. You aren’t just flavoring your water with these ingredients, but
adding more nutrients from the produce and herbs. 

To make infused water, you should have a glass pitcher and access to filtered water
preferably. Prepare your fruits, veggies, and herbs depending on what they are. Berries
should be sliced so you can access the juice inside, fruits with hard skin should be
peeled first. Veggies should also be peeled and chopped. Muddle your herbs to release
the oils and flavors. 

Add the ingredients to the bottom of the pitcher, cover with ice, then add your water. Let
it sit in the refrigerator for as long as you can before drinking it, which really allows those
flavors and nutrients to come through.

3. Choose a Cup You Love to Use

Do you want to encourage yourself to drink more water? It’s all in the cup! If you use
boring water bottles you don’t like, then you probably won’t drink as much water as you
should. A good way to have fun with your water and remember to bring the bottle
everywhere with you is to choose a water bottle that works best for you.

This might mean the overall look and color of it, or the ease of holding onto it while
walking. There are so many small details in a water bottle that determine if it’s a good fit
or not. For example, if you drive a lot, you want it to fit perfectly in your cup holder. On
the other hand, if you bike for exercise, you may want it to have a tight lid, but one that
is easy to pop off when drinking while riding. 

Try out a few different cups until you feel like you have found the one that is perfect for

4. Limit Other Drinks You Consume

Another little trick for drinking more water is to reduce all of the other drinks you
consume. This doesn’t mean drinking water 100 percent of the time and never having a
cup of juice or soda again. But, it does help to reduce them, so that when you are
thirsty, you go for water instead. This eventually increases your water intake simply
because you are going for water when you feel a thirst, and not other beverages. 

5. Always Track Your Water Intake

This isn’t something you need to do every day for the rest of your life, but for now, it
might be hard to determine how much water to drink and if you have even reached your
goal for the day. Start by figuring out a good way to track your water. This can be an
app on your phone, a notepad, a planner you keep in your purse, or a program on your

Start by tracking your water for a few days before trying to increase how much you
drink. This lets you know how much you are currently drinking on an average day. If it is
less than 8-10 glasses of water (8 ounces each) a day, you need to start increasing it. 
Once you are tracking daily, it helps you know how and when to drink a little more
throughout the day.

6. Enjoy Fruits & Veggies with High Water Content

If you find that you simply can't drink enough water, then eat your water instead! You
should still try to drink as much as you can, but this is good for the days when you’re a
little below your water intake goal. There are fruits and veggies that have a high water
content, therefore helping to hydrate you. These include:

  • Cucumbers

  • Grapefruit

  • Apples

  • Pineapple

  • Lettuce

  • Celery

  • Radishes

  • Watermelon

7. Dilute Your Juice When You Have it

During those times when you really want a glass of juice instead of water, you can dilute
it so increase your water content a bit. Just think about it ñ if you have a 12-ounce
glass, and you dilute it with water just by 25 percent, that cup of yummy, fruity juice has
also added 4 ounces of water. It is a super easy way to add to your water intake for the
day. This is also going to reduce your calories, carbs, and sugar.

8. Try These Water Drinking Reminders

If you enjoy water, but you often forget to drink more of it, these little reminders can be
helpful for you. 

  • Drink water before every meal, snack, and other beverage

  • Drink a glass of water when you wake up

  • Drink water before or after your workouts

  • Drink a glass of water after every trip to the bathroom

  • Drink a glass of water every time you enter your office or your home

As long as you keep these reminders in the back of your mind, and follow the other tips mentioned, you should be on your way to increasing your water intake and benefiting
from it.

Natural Health Christmas Gift Ideas

The following gift ideas give you an idea of natural health gifts you can promote. 

1. Dry Skin Brushing Set

Dry skin brushing is a popular way to exfoliate the skin while also relieving stress and anxiety. You can point your readers to the following gift sets on Amazon, or create your own gift set with resources you find from various online stores.


2. Essential Oils Set For Stress Relief

Essential oils are good for mental and physical ailments, but particularly helpful with stress. Stress is also something many people deal with during the holidays. Here are some different essential oil sets you can promote from Amazon:


3. Home Workout Set

The holidays is perfect for promoting exercise accessories and equipment, due to New Year's resolutions. While not always considered in the natural health category, they are a great complement to other items on this list. Here are some home workout kits and sets that your readers will enjoy:


4. Yoga Set

The ultimate exercise for anyone interested in natural health remedies is yoga. Take a look at some of these yoga products and gift sets you can promote:


5. Juicing Gift Basket

Juicing has been trending for a while, and isn't going away any time soon. The good news is there are tons of juicing products you can promote. If you want to show your readers how to put together a juicing gift basket for their friends and family, consider some of these products:


6. Natural Herbs Planting Gift

Someone who is interested in natural health is sure to be interested in using herbs. Herbs have so many uses, from making skincare products to adding to a tea for curing the cold. You can show your readers how to put together a gift set all about planting herbs.


7. DIY Home Remedies Kit

This type of kit is something that takes a little bit of creativity, since you are showing your readers some different ways to put a gift basket or gift kit together. Here are some ideas of items to include in a kit all about making DIY home remedy projects:


8. DIY Kit For Homemade Detoxing Products

The new year is all about starting fresh, so it makes sense that so many people are looking up how to detox. This cleanses their body and gears up for being healthier. A great help to your readers would be to tell them how to put together a DIY kit for making homemade detoxing products. The types of products you want to suggest will determine what you promote, but here are some to get you started:


9. Healing Crystals Gift Set

Another direction to go is with healing crystals. Crystals like amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz are often used for healing the body, mind, and spirit.


10. Coconut Gift Set

One of the most popular ingredients for natural health products is coconut. It can be used for health drinks and foods, as well as DIY products for the skin, hair, nails, and even teeth. There is a lot you can promote for a coconut gift set, but here are some ideas.



Ways To Use Aloe For Hygiene

Hygiene may not be considered as an illness to some, but it actually can lead to several
illnesses and health conditions. For example, if you have poor oral hygiene it can lead
to tooth decay and painful oral surgeries. Poor hygiene can also lead to skin issues
including dry skin and cracking. If you are looking for ways to update your hygiene, 
remove chemicals, and make sure you avoid hygiene related health issues then
consider the ways you can use aloe for hygiene. 

Shaving Cream Alternative

Part of most people's hygiene is to shave. Legs, under arms, chest, and facial hair are
all on the list for many people as part of a normal routine. The problem is that some of
the store-bought shaving lotions and creams can dry the skin or cause red spots. The
perfumes in them can also cause an odor issue when mixed with your own body
chemistry. To avoid this, you can simply switch to aloe. You can mix this with coconut
oil and use as you would normally use a shaving lotion, gel, or cream.

Mouthwash Alternative

Bad breath can be a sign of everything from poor oral care routines to illness or bacteria
problems in the body. Regardless of the reason behind bad breath, the goal of most
people is to use mouthwash daily, or several times a day, to cut down on bad breath. 
The over the counter mouthwash options can have a lot of alcohol or other ingredients
that may be harmful to you for a variety of reasons. Instead, you can use aloe. You can
use straight aloe juice as a mouth rinse. You can also step it up and mix it with water, 
peppermint or cinnamon oil to taste, and baking soda. 

Deodorant Alternative

There are multiple reasons that an increasing number of people are staying away from
traditional deodorant options. There are hundreds of DIY options and recipes to choose
from, and that may confuse you or overwhelm you. Ideally, you just want something that
will stop the bacteria growth that is causing the odor. This can simply be done with the
antibacterial properties of aloe. If just using an aloe gel you can step up your game by
creating an aloe based deodorant gel or cream with coconut oil and tea tree oil as well
to totally cut down on the odor causing bacteria. 

By using some of these methods, you can increase your proper hygiene routine. You
can also notice changes in your body chemistry that may not be as noticeable with
commercial chemical methods. 

Ways To Use Aloe For Digestion

Digestion is a huge issue for many people. There is a misconception that digestion is
only an issue for people who are diagnosed with IBS. The truth is, digestion can be an
issue if you are changing your diet plan, exercise plan, or even changing medications. 
When you start having digestion issues, you will face the option of taking over the
counter medications or you may be given prescription options. You can also choose a
natural option like aloe. If you aren't sure how aloe can help you, here are some ways to

Inflammation Reduction

One of the big issues with digestion is the inflammation that is caused from various
digestive problems. You can take different pills or capsules to help with this, but those
may have side effects that make things worse. Instead of doing all of that you can
simply take aloe juice on a daily basis. This will help reduce the inflammation from
within and help reduce the issues caused by that inflammation that can lead to stomach
pain or to leaky gut in severe conditions.

Constipation Relief

One of the number one digestive complaints is constipation. This can be caused from
an increase in iron if you have a diet change or find yourself adding more superfoods. It
can also be caused from painkillers following an injury. Regardless of how it is caused, 
one of the first steps is usually a laxative. The problem is these laxatives can be harsh
or leave you with cramps that hurt more than the constipation in some cases. To avoid
all of this you can use aloe juice mixed with some with some warm tea like ginger tea to
help safely and gently relieve your constipation. You can do this several times a day, 
every few hours, until it begins to work.

Good Bacteria

You may have heard about increasing the good bacteria in your body to help with
digestion. This is usually done with probiotics from either superfoods or an over the
counter option. Instead of doing this, you can use aloe juice. It can help deliver good
bacteria into your system and give you the boost you need to push your digestion back
in the right direction. 

These are just a few of the ways that aloe can aide you with digestion. Keep in mind, as
with any digestive option you use, you should take some time off from using digestive
assistance. This will help ensure your body is doing the work it needs on its own rather
than becoming dependent on an outside supplement. 

Ways To Use Aloe For Your Immune System

When you think about aloe you may think of a skin soothing plant. You may also think
about things like cuts and scrapes. What you may not think about is your immune
system. It may surprise you to know that you can use aloe for your immune system to
help boost it and to work as a supplement. If you aren't sure how this works, here are
some ways to use aloe for your immune system starting today.

Aloe as a Digestive Cleanse

The first way to use aloe for your immune system is to use it as a digestive cleanse. 
You may wonder how this helps with your immune system. It helps by cleaning your
colon, which flushes toxins from your body and in turn gives you better digestion. This
increased digestion will help you boost your immune system simply by being able to
flush the toxins and getting the bad bacteria and waste out of your body.

Aloe for Weight Loss

You may not think that weight loss plays into your immune system but it can. Extra
weight and obesity comes with its own set of problems. In fact, some people who are
obese experience breathing problems and very slow metabolism. The slow metabolism
plays into the amount of waste that may be kept in your system due to slow digestion. 
This can lead to leaky gut or bacteria issues in your body. That issue can lead illness
and the issues just get worse from there. By using aloe for your weight loss, you can
drop the weight that is leading to other potential health issues and causing your immune
system to become fatigued. 

Daily Aloe Juicing

When you think of the different ways you can boost your immunity with aloe, you may
not think about juicing as a huge step. The truth is, you can juice each day and you can
take that juice to the next level by making one specific to immunity boosting. There are
tons of recipes out there, so many you could probably try a different one daily and still
not have tried all the combinations. To start with, mix one large orange with one large
apple. Add two carrots, a cup of grapes, and then the aloe juice. It will make a large
juice, but it will be packed with immune boosting vitamins and minerals. 

By using one or more of these methods you can boost your immune system. You can
also use it for seasonal boosts to your immune system as well.